The Standard Bearer

John Morrison BEM was born in the Gold Coast (now Ghana) in 1924. His tribal name was Kodwo Mbro, and he was grandson of the Tribal Chief of Aframgua. He went to Takoradi Methodist School, and had a strong interest in what we would now call ICT (Information and Communications Technology).

His grandfather was a big influence on John, and taught him that the Tribal Standard embodied the Spirits of the Warriors who sacrificed their lives in defence of the Tribe, so it should be carried with reverence. He gave John the opportunity to train with the Tribe, and also with the Royal West African Frontier Force.

John was a keen member of the Wolf Cubs, Boy Scouts and Rover Scouts, with the motto “Be Prepared”.  When World War Two broke out, John was 15 and kept his promise to do his duty to the King by volunteering to serve in the Armed Forces.