
A Grant tank of A Sqn 4th CLY ‘bombing up’ or re-arming during the Knightsbridge battles in the summer of 1942.

The M3 Grant Tank

The M3 Grant tank was designed and built in the USA  and was armed with a 37mm gun in a turret and a 75mm gun  in a sponson on the side of the hull.

The 75mm was a medium velocity gun which  gave range parity  with most contemporary enemy vehicles but was not as effective as their high velocity  guns. 

As you can see the Grant tank was very tall which made it difficult  to hide  and although reasonably well protected the tank was bolted together. This meant that when hit the bolts tended to fly around like shrapnel inside the tank.

It was however liked and fairly reliable if not as fast as the Cruiser tank. That meant on at least one occasion in the desert they had to stop withdrawing and attack the Germans who were chasing and gaining on them.

In the summer of 1942, both regiments were equipped with one Squadron of Grants and two of Crusader tanks.